I made some cookies on Friday and guess who ate them all before Monday hit... You guessed right, me!
While in self-isolation I have had a lot of free time and have tried to partake in all the leisure activities I often push to the side during my busy schedule. I have taken this time to re-introduce old hobbies into my life such as: painting, baking, and video games.
In life, I feel that there are many blessings in disguise, that being said I do not want to discredit what is going on in the world. Times are hard, with all due respect. During these times I think it is also important to recognize the good that has come out of this. For myself, I have had a reset and am feeling mentally capable for much more, I appreciate all that I have in life, and I have been grateful for all the people I have created out to during this time. I am also grateful for now having the time to fully take on my passion project, laying the foundation for so much fulfilment.
These cookies were an adapted recipe from Thug Kitchen, a HILARIOUS cookbook!