This Self-Care Sunday I share about self-care kits & how to create them!

As mentioned in my first self-care blog, self-care is important regardless of your gender and is unique to you and your needs. This term often gets overused when it comes to facemasks and 'self-care nights,' which is one component of self-care. There is much more than that.
Self-care is the act of taking time for yourself, in turn, enhancing your well-being. It can be done in a multitude of different ways depending on your unique interests and needs.
Self-Care Kits:
I will share various items that you could include in your self-care kit, recognizing that what may work or be useful for some may not be useful for others.
To Start:
I personally keep my self-care kit in a small crate on my bedside table, so get yourself a bag, bin, or bucket to keep your self-care kit supplies in!
Take this time to recognize your needs and what things spark joy to you.
1. An Openness to Discover
When creating a self-care kit and embarking on the lifelong journey of self-care, it is important to start with an openness to discover; this discovery could be in yourself, in others, in the world around us, discovery is endless.

2. Ignite Your Senses:
By using your senses you can bring yourself to the present moment, focusing on the here and now. This is a beneficial coping strategy while dealing with anxiety or when the motions of life seem too much.

Put something in your kit that you can see and maybe something that brings happiness and/or calmness when you see it.
Some examples are;
Coloring book
Picture of a dog/cat
Picture of nature
A self-help book
Affirmation cards
Add something that gets your olfactory system (your 'smell system') pumping.
Some examples are;
Essential oils (these have proven benefits such as calming effects)
Scented lotion
Add a treat for yourself, consider adding snacks that you can savor for longer to deepen the appreciation for the taste.
Some examples are;
Hard candy
Sound and music is a beautiful and beneficial thing, music therapy is a profession for a reason! Do you notice that you listen to different music depending on your mood? Or that different music makes you feel different ways? There is research behind this.
Some examples are;
Multiple 'mood' playlists
Harmony balls
A device that is capable of playing music/sounds
Sound machine
Almost all of the items listed above have a tactile implication to them. Some things do focus on touch more such as, something with more textures.
Some examples are;
Massage oil
Harmony balls
Heating pad/blanket
Recognizing your Senses Sheet

3. Support:
Regardless of if you have high emotional wellness or if you have low emotional wellness, having support is important. For myself, I have a contact list of friends and family on the first page of my journal so, if at any time,. I feel I need support I have a list of people to contact.
Support Contact Sheet

4. Personal Development:
As mentioned in the beginning, self-care is much more than 'self-care nights' it also includes personal development. Personal development goes back to the concept of improving ones' self.
Some examples;
Self-help book
Motivational book
Mental health printable

5. Well-being:
Well-being has been spread throughout this post. Through wellness, we can increase our well-being. Something interesting to look at is your domains of wellness and what areas you are feeling fulfilled in.
Wellness Wheel Sheet

Thank you for letting me share some ways to cultivate your moments.
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