In this ‘Home Recreation Guide,’ I dive into 5 domains of wellness and talk about different recreation activities that are fulfilling to each domain. In this post, I will be sharing about physical wellness.
Physical wellness is the domain of wellness that focuses on our physical functioning and wellbeing. Physical wellness is beneficial to our overall health, decreases stress, lowers the risk of disease, and increases energy levels.
To learn more about physical health in a holistic way, click here!
While at home physical wellness can be hard to maintain, I know it was something prior to our current situation, I was very routine with and I have struggled trying to get my routine back.
My 7 recommendations include:
1. At-Home Workouts
Leisure education brief: exercise on a regular basis has a multitude of benefits and while at home this is heightened. Some benefits include combating health conditions and diseases, improved mood, boosts energy, and promotes better sleep. Exercise offers many benefits, if you would like to know more, click on this to be transferred to an article explaining more benefits.
This App offers a variety of workouts that you can do at home and do not require equipment.

This App offers quick workouts with minimal or no equipment. I enjoy that it has visual and vocal prompts, breathing techniques during the exercise, and has a count down for each workout.
YouTube Channels:
I not only love her workouts, but I also love her philosophy. In this video, she shares the truth about body love and shares an activity to help with your view towards your body.
She has quick workouts that are easy to follow along with a variety of workouts.
I enjoy the workouts provided by MadFit because of her variety, she has an entire playlist devoted to 'No Equipment Workouts' that you can do from home. During each video, she also explains, in the beginning, the structure of the workouts she will be doing.
2. Zumba workouts
Leisure education brief: Zumba has a multitude of benefits and while at home this can be altered to continue providing those benefits. Some benefits include improved quality of life, it is adaptable, improves blood pressure, improved cardiovascular fitness, increased endurance, and it is a full-body workout. Zumba offers many benefits, if you would like to know more, click on this to be transferred to an article explaining more benefits.
YouTube Channels:
This channel has a variety of different workouts and has a playlist devoted entirely to dance. With a variety of videos for dance workouts varying in length between 10-45 minutes!
3. Yoga
Leisure education brief: yoga has benefits on your physical, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual well-being. Some benefits include improved flexibility, improved posture, improved emotional health, improved sleep, and more. Yoga offers many benefits, if you would like to know more, click on this to be transferred to an article explaining more benefits.

I recommend this app because you get to choose your goal and then get to choose between practices that focus on your goal.

I enjoy this app because of the ease of use, after choosing your type of yoga, level, and length you are then given a practice. I find that on regular fitness apps I spend the first 5 minutes picking the 'right' workout, this way you know your practice is what you are looking for and don't need to spend all of your time picking out a practice!

I recommend this app because it has short practices which makes it great for beginners and can be a great morning stretch or pre/post-workout stretch!
YouTube Channels:
I can easily say that this is my personal favorite way to practice yoga at home, Adriene offers a welcoming practice and invites you with acceptance.
I recommend this channel because of the variety of health and fitness videos. This channel also has adapted workouts for people who are pregnant/post-partum and older adults.
I recommend this channel because of the mix of both female and male instructors which makes a gender-normative community.
4. Barre
Leisure education brief: barre has a vast variety of benefits to your well-being. Some benefits include improved blood pressure, gentle on your joints and build muscle to support your joints, helps control diabetes, high cholesterol, and more. Barre offers many benefits, if you would like to know more, click on this to be transferred to an article explaining more benefits.

Similar to the Down Dog App, this app has ease of use and choice as after picking your focus and length you are given a program to follow.
YouTube Channel:
I enjoy this channel as the workouts can be done at home by using a chair instead of a bar. She also talks you through each step which is nice as you can focus on your movements instead of focusing on watching the video at all times.
5. Games
Leisure education brief: fitness games offer benefits to your physical and cognitive well-being. Some benefits may include multi-tasking and problem solving, planning, coordination, improved speed, reaction time and endurance. Fitness games offer many benefits, if you would like to know more, click on this to be transferred to an article explaining more benefits.
Wii Fit
6. Home Dance parties

Leisure education brief: dance has benefits on your physical, cognitive, and emotional well-being that can be adapted for dance at home. Some benefits include improved flexibility, boosted memory, reduced stress, decreased depression, balance and more. Dance offers many benefits, if you would like to know more, click on this to be transferred to an article explaining more benefits.
7. Walking

Leisure education brief: walking has benefits for your well-being. Some benefits include reduced risk for chronic diseases, metabolic benefits, improved mood and attitude, increased creativity. Walking offers many benefits, if you would like to know more, click on this to be transferred to an article explaining more benefits.
Thank you for letting me share some ways to cultivate your moments.
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